MV Law Group

Family Law Experts

At MV Law Group, we understand that legal issues involving your family can be emotionally challenging. Our team is here to support you through these difficult times with compassionate and personalized legal guidance.

Divorce and Separation

Our experienced family law team provides comprehensive support and guidance throughout the divorce and separation process, ensuring fair settlements and prioritizing the well-being of all family members involved.

Child Custody and Support

We understand the importance of safeguarding the best interests of your children. Our team offers personalized strategies to establish child custody and fair child support agreements that promote stability and nurturing environments.

Prenuptial Agreement

With our experienced team of family law attorneys, you can enter into your marriage with confidence, knowing that your financial matters are handled responsibly through a carefully crafted prenuptial agreement.

Protecting Families, Preserving Futures.

Name Change of a Minor

Premarital Agreement

Non-Marital Cohabitation Agreement


Legal Separation

Spousal Support

Child Support

Domestic Violence Restraining Order

Child Custody and Visitation

Representation in:

MV Law Group

MV Law Group represents clients with prenuptial agreements, divorce, child custody, support payments, domestic violence restraining orders and more. Our team works tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome while prioritizing your well-being and that of your loved ones.

Contact us today at (949) 522-9882 to schedule a consultation and let us help you navigate these complex legal matters with care and empathy.